evolution de l'art - logo

A lifelong subscription to the closed part of a website

A walk through the Prado with the artist and 50 participants of his project "Hell is coming/World ends today"

Animals' nurse in the jungle

As a painting

Become an accessory to the unplanned



Create and destroy a work of art

Dancing with the Stars

De “I don’t know” demonstratie

Discover a new family by registering now!

Enlightenment: Getting you there

Extra Day


Foreigners falling

Good Luck (Random good deeds)

Horse riding

I cry for you

introducing GRUPPO PALERMO

words by Don Pablo

SOON they will need groupie repellent spray.

SOON they will be coming to your town, asking if they can stay over at your house and use the stove.

SOON they will be doing encores of their songs “The Jukebox hero” and “Make up your own music” at benefit concerts with all their ill-mannered celebrity friends.
Selling their bottled sweat and locks of hair have proven to be their biggest and perhaps only money makers so far, but SOON: dolls, lunch boxes and bed sheets will also feature.

GRUPPO PALERMO €3000.- not including travel


geschreven door Don Pablo
vertaald door Jolanda

WELDRA moeten zij met moeite gillende groupies verjagen.

WELDRA dringen zij uw stad binnen, komen aan uw deur kloppen en vragen of ze gebruik mogen maken van uw fornuis.

WELDRA zullen zij volle badkamers trekken met liederen zoals "The Jukebox hero" en "Make up your own music", dit alles temidden van hun ongemanierde welgestelde vrienden. Zij zullen hun flessen zweet en haarlokken verpatsen die tot nu toe hun voornaamste, zo niet hun enige inkomstenbron gebleken zijn.
Maar WELDRA zullen daar zijn: poppen, broodtrommels en dekbedovertrekken.

GRUPPO PALERMO € 3000,- exclusief reiskosten

Ward van Gemert & Jordan Artisan

I work here performance

Intellectual Entertainment Service

Interior Event

introducing GRUPPO PALERMO

Letter to Yves Klein

Private View


Take Away

The Gift

The Morrona, universal Andalusian

The Shadow Queue / The Line

The Surprise Service

Unspecified space, site specific work

Untitled (1987)

Wall Space


Window Event

Your Head In Ice

Your Own Chain Letter

Your Own Stalker

ZOMBIE / Telepathic Art Newspaper