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A lifelong subscription to the closed part of a website

A walk through the Prado with the artist and 50 participants of his project "Hell is coming/World ends today"

Animals' nurse in the jungle

As a painting

Become an accessory to the unplanned



Create and destroy a work of art

Dancing with the Stars

De “I don’t know” demonstratie

Discover a new family by registering now!

Enlightenment: Getting you there

Extra Day


Foreigners falling

Good Luck (Random good deeds)

Horse riding

I cry for you

Dancing with the stars

I’m going to go dancing in ‘La Estrella’ in Tijuana (MX), for two weeks. I will wear the collector’s name on the T-Shirt.

Price: €2.000,-

Animals' nurse in the jungle

There’s a hospital for wounded animals in Tikal, Guatemala. I’d like to work and help these animals for one month.

Price: €3.000,-

Foreigners falling

The second most common reason for emergency-hospitalization in Spain is ‘foreigners falling’. For one month I will offer my companionship to these citizens.

Price: €3.000,-


There is only one feathers' shop in Barcelona. The owner is a frail old lady and the shop is closed. I would like to re-open it for one month.

Price: €3.000,-

Horse Riding

I’d like to learn to ride a horse for three weeks. I’ll talk to the horse about the collector.

Price: €2.000,-

Dancing with the stars

Ik ga dansen in ‘La Estrella’ in Tijuana (MX), twee weken lang. ik draag de naam van de verzamelaar op het T-shirt.

Prijs: €2.000,-

Animal's nurse in the jungle

Er is een ziekenhuis voor gewonde dieren in Tikal, Guatemala. Ik wil graag daar werken en deze dieren gedurende één maand helpen.

Prijs: €3.000,-

Foreigners falling

De op één na meest voorkomende reden voor nood-opnamen in een ziekenhuis in Spanje is ‘foreigners falling’ (buitenlanders die vallen). Ik zal gedurende één maand deze burgers aanbieden hen gezelschap te houden.

Prijs: €3.000,-


Er is slechts één verenwinkel in Barcelona. De eigenaar is een oude en breekbare dame en de winkel is gesloten. Ik zou de winkel opnieuw willen openen en gedurende één maand open willen houden.

Prijs: €3.000,-

Horse Riding

Ik wil graag gedurende drie weken leren paardrijden. Ik zal met het paard over de verzamelaar praten.

Prijs: €2.000,-

Tere Recarens

I work here performance

Intellectual Entertainment Service

Interior Event

introducing GRUPPO PALERMO

Letter to Yves Klein

Private View


Take Away

The Gift

The Morrona, universal Andalusian

The Shadow Queue / The Line

The Surprise Service

Unspecified space, site specific work

Untitled (1987)

Wall Space


Window Event

Your Head In Ice

Your Own Chain Letter

Your Own Stalker

ZOMBIE / Telepathic Art Newspaper